Cancer patients and survivors need to have an individualized comprehensive recovery program. Every person has a different response to surgeries and treatments, so no two exercise programs will look alike.
You will start at the appropriate level and progress with confidence, avoid injury and setbacks.
Exercise can help prevent common side effects of mastectomy and reconstruction, lymphedema, pain, shoulder dysfunction, core weakness, and fatigue.
Side effects of radiation, chemotherapy and hormone treatment can include fatigue, pain, osteoporosis, joint pain, peripheral neuropathy, and cardiovascular compromise due to cancer.
Benefits of strength, aerobic, and flexibility training:
Increase lean muscle mass, better physical appearance, higher metabolism, less body fat
Reduce the risk of Type II diabetes and lymphedema by reducing the amount of body fat
Reduces the risk of osteoporosis by increasing bone mass
Look and feel better
Increased self-confidence and self-esteem
Increased energy levels
Reduce the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol
Increase Range of motion in joint movements
Injury prevention
It May help to prevent arthritis and other degenerative joint disorders
Eliminate neck, shoulder, back hip, knee, ankle, and other associated pains
It allows one to perform activities of daily living
My exercise programs help people living with cancer and beyond!